Thanks To The Beard
His beard, along with his family’s iconic beards, are definitely assets to their duck-calling business. Because of all the hard work and dedication that he puts into the job, it is no surprise that he has ten million dollars to his name. He can retire anytime and still live in luxury for a lifetime, but he chose to put in a great effort for a charitable cause instead.

Thanks To The Beard
After The Show
Now that the Duck Dynasty show has ended, Jase wants to spend more time with family and friends. He still wanted to keep his fans updated on his daily life and his future adventures after the series, so he created Camofix. It is a website where fans can do just that. Since the end of the series, Jase has appeared in many different Christian shows, events, and gatherings to show his support and his faith. Now that he has a lot of free time to spend, he decided that he wanted to do something he was passionate about: helping people.

After The Show