According To Statistics, These Are The Fattest States In The U.S.

Published on 11/26/2020

Hawaii – 23.8% Obesity Rate

At the moment, Hawaii is considered one of the slimmest states in the nation. However, it looks like there is trouble in paradise. The local population does not perform enough exercise. In fact, 23. Percent of the locals claim not to do any physical activity! On top of that, 37 percent of adults said that they eat fewer than one fruit a day and opt for less healthy options. The epidemic is rampant.

Hawaii 23.8% Obesity Rate

Hawaii 23.8% Obesity Rate


California – 25.1% Obesity Rate

The Golden State is another state that is doing better at containing the obesity epidemic. It is the fourth lowest at 25.1 percent. For people aged 18 to 25, the rate of obesity is 12.7 percent. It is 24 percent for 26 to 44 years old, and 31 percent for the 45 to 64 age range. Lastly, it is 24.4 percent for those more than 65 years old. There are lots of problems, but fatness is not the worst of them by far.

California 25.1% Obesity Rate

California 25.1% Obesity Rate