“Say Again”
Whilst most people might be polite if they haven’t quite heard what you said, and ask you to repeat it again with phrases like “excuse me” or “pardon me”, a true soldier wouldn’t say that. One of the most obvious ways to spot a soldier is to listen to the way they respond when they haven’t quite caught what you said. A soldier will constantly interrupt you with the phrase, “say again”.

“Say Again”
Finding The Exits
As part of their training 101, every soldier must to learn is to suss out all the exit points. So naturally when a soldier goes anywhere, and we mean ANYWHERE, they will take time to mentally scope out the area and find all the exit points. So you can rest easy with a soldier. Whether they’re at a restaurant or heading to a ballpark, a true soldier will always be extra prepared and scope out every exit route before they even take their seats, just in case the emergency evacuation.

Finding The Exits