Right Hand Free
We know what you’re thinking! And it’s not what you think, honestly! So let’s makes sure we’re all on the same page here. What we’re talking about is how a soldier holds hands with a girl. You may not realize at first, even if you are that girl, but a soldier always tends to hold her her right hand with his left hand. Why? Well in case you were wondering, soldiers tend to get into the habit of keeping their “strong” or right hand always available, you know, in case there’s some action. Again, not that kind of action!

Right Hand Free
Hands In Pockets
Again, it’s not what you think! But along the same line of holding hands, soldiers also very rarely tuck their hands in their pockets. You may not notice it at first, and the movies might show you otherwise, but most soldiers do tend to assume a power stance, and place their hands on their hips. A soldier should always be ready for action, in any situation…

Hands In Pockets