Untold Story Of Eddie Guerrero
One untold story which was very upsetting that involved a dear beloved friend of Chris Benoit was the story of his fellow wrestler, Eddie Guerrero. After the death of Eddie last 2005, it appeared that Benoit was really affected by this and he was completely inconsolable in the said situation. Chris Jericho explained in the documentary that Benoit had the words “come and give him a hug” which was really heart-breaking for him. Jericho added, “But it was like the most desperate, saddest, I’m-hanging-on-for-dear-life hug you could ever get.”

Untold Story Of Eddie Guerrero
Newly Bought Journal
Other participants who were part of the documentary remember mostly the situation wherein people had rallied around Chris Benoit in the wake of Eddie Guerrero’s death. Nancy Toffolini thought of a way on how Chris can express what he feels, she then bought Chris a journal for him to write all the things that are bothering him at that time. Yet while this method seemed to be a helping hand for his husband Chris, without her knowing, things were eventually getting so much worse than she expected.

Newly Bought Journal