Chris Was A Religious Man
It was also included in the documentary that Eddie Guerrero had persuaded Chris Benoit into a religion, wherein, unfortunately, there was a religious element of sorts to the murders and suicides. After the investigation, it was later found out that Chris Benoit placed Bibles next to her wife and son’s bodies with a suicide note inside of one of the Bibles. Before taking his own life, it was discovered that Chris additionally searched on the internet for different Bible passages

Chris Was A Religious Man
WWE Not Being Strict About Usage Of Drugs
Later on, when the true reason behind what really happened to Chris Benoit was finally discovered, the commentators and the interviewees had different opinions about it. When the author Matthew Randazzo spoke about the organization of WWE and the use of narcotics, it was claimed that the organization had some large blind spots that allowed their wrestlers in the use of drugs with a really large scale without conducting any kind of test. Nancy Tofollni’s sister, Sandra, said that she thinks it was possibly CTE along with stress and grief.

WWE Not Being Strict About Usage Of Drugs