David’s Insight About WWE
It was very painful to hear the perspective of Chris Benoit’s son, David. He was asked by an interviewer, “Did anyone from the WWE ever reach out to you or your family?” he replied, “Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero. That’s it. Nobody else. You know? Screw them. They weren’t there for me… They backed off like I didn’t even exist.” These were the exact words that came out from David’s mouth. It appears that WWE management didn’t make any move on how to help with the family’s painful loss.

David’s Insight About WWE
Sandra’s Insight About WWE
Also, Sandra Tofolloni, who lost her sister, Nancy, and also her nephew, Daniel, was asked about how did the WWE handle them and provided care for her and to her surviving family as well. She sarcastically replied, “Is that a serious question? Not a single person. No-one.” It was very clear that she has a hatred feeling against WWE. It is also clear for the following family that there was no form of help that the WWE contributed for them, not even a single person.

Sandra’s Insight About WWE