Loss Of Temper
In any case, there were a lot of people who are very disappointed with how the organization of WWE runs things around. In the documentary, many people expressed their anger towards WWE. There was this one text coming from Nancy Tofolloni which says, “We both know [WWE’s] wellness program is a joke.” Nancy’s sister, Sandra, recalled that WWE sent their representative Jim “JR” Ross to the deceased’s funeral. After that, she claimed that she lost her temper and told Ross face to face that he wasn’t welcome at the wake.

Loss Of Temper
Hatred For WWE
As he reflected during the documentary he said, “I felt like I was the most unwelcome person in the building because I was a WWE guy. And I probably knew [Benoit] the best of anybody there.” When he said that he thinks that no one can match how much he knew Chris Benoit than any other people who were there it was sincere. But it feels like there was yet more to come for him, as Chris’ son, David, was furious with how the organization dealt with murders.

Hatred For WWE