Forgiveness Over Anything
Sandra still believes in herself that she has the capacity to forgive Chris, she said in the documentary, “Everyone deserves forgiveness. Everyone deserves mercy. I think within the time there will be a day when I get on my knees, and I finally say it: that I forgive him. You never know, it might be tomorrow.” She knows deep down her heart that everyone deserves forgiveness no matter what they did to you or no matter what they did to you. But she added, “But I do know it’s not today”.

Forgiveness Over Anything
Wait For Years
After the tragic moment that happened to Benoit’s family, it didn’t take too much detective to work on the place where it happened. It also didn’t take many detectives to work together with the tragic events that may have been unfolded. But unfortunately, it’s not the case, finding someone’s killer could take up to many years before it can be discovered. Just like Karen Klaas’ brutal murder. Experts had to wait for 40 long years for the DNA testing technology to catch up handling the evidence needed for a case.

Wait For Years