There Were A Lot Of Restrictions
The strategy of using familial DNA testing cannot be applied to all. It is only permitted in a handful of states that belong to U.S. Brandenburg also described that access is very limited to both the technology and data that are needed for the case. He also added that in order for you to get some data needed, you have to go through with the state and its protective protocols. It is very stringent, there are a lot of restrictions for you to able to get what you exactly need.

There Were A Lot Of Restrictions
There Was No Match
Apparently, the whole panel of California took a month or more to approve whether or not they will accept the Klaas’ case. Fortunately, they accepted it, although they surely need to have patience because it will be another game of waiting for them to be notified of some information connected to the case that they applied for. The question is, would the DNA of the killer be proved to a familial match with anyone else in the system? Brandenburg reported and said, “They ran samples, called me and said, ‘Nothing.”

There Was No Match