Not Extinct
In the film Blackfish, whale fishermen are seen snatching young whales from the ocean and selling them for profit to Sea World and other amusement parks. Sheila’s suffering is terrible, yet it’s nothing out of the ordinary. The vast majority of species suffer as a result of animal cruelty for entertainment, leading to a brief and unpleasant existence. Sheila’s rescuers hope she won’t have the same problems as her kidnappers.

Not Extinct
Handing Over To Experts
The US Department of Agriculture has decided to send her to an animal welfare organization called In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center. Sheila had fallen ill and was in serious danger. It’s a non-profit organization that assists stranded animals in regaining their footing. For everyone, it had been a bad day. In Sync stated that if Sheila’s condition would not improve, they would seriously contemplate euthanizing her. She won’t be able to make it…

Handing Over To Experts