Alabama – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree: 27%
Hopefully, Alabama’s renowned cotton will help soften this blow. Both educational attainment and educational quality are extremely low in the state, ranking sixth and eighth-worst. On Forbes’ ranking, none of Alabama’s top-rated schools made the top 150, with Auburn University coming closest at No. 166. Nonetheless, Alabama employs more of its citizens than any other state at the bottom of the list. Alabama’s overall unemployment rate in 2019 was 3.0 percent, tied for seventh-lowest in the nation with Maine and Nebraska.

Alabama – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 27%
Arkansas – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree: 24%
The number of degrees in the Natural State is meager. It has the third-lowest percentage of adults with a bachelor’s degree and the third-lowest percentage of adults with a graduate degree in the world. Unfortunately, according to WalletHub, the standard of an Arkansas education is also low. It has the country’s fifth-lowest average university quality. None of the state’s best schools make Forbes’ top 250, with the University of Arkansas taking the top spot at No. 271.

Arkansas – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 24%