Ranking The Intelligence Level Of Each State From Dumbest To Smartest

Published on 03/12/2021

Louisiana – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree: 26%

In the Sugar State, it appears that student life isn’t all that good. It has the third-lowest overall educational attainment in the world and the ninth-lowest educational quality. Louisiana also has one of the highest percentages of adults without a high school diploma, and it is tied for fifth place with Kentucky in terms of adults with a bachelor’s degree. To make it worse, Louisiana had the country’s fifth-highest unemployment rate in 2019, at 4.8 percent of the total population.

Louisiana – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 26%

Louisiana – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 26%

West Virginia – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree: 22%

When it comes to motivating students, Mountain State has a lot of work to do. In terms of educational attainment, it is dead last in the world. West Virginia has the second-lowest number of people with a post-secondary diploma. The standard of a West Virginia college isn’t bad, but paying off your student loans can be challenging once you have it. Two-thirds of the state’s graduates are also paying off their student loans.

West Virginia – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 22%

West Virginia – Adults With At Least A Bachelor’s Degree 22%