Ginger fans, we have some excellent news. Who would have thought that the cooking spice offers even more than its great smell and taste? Of course, we would not have even bothered to mention it if it is not good for the heart. Consuming ginger regularly will help lower the risk of coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. It is also excellent in sushi, so go ahead and have as many as you want the next time you pull up at your favorite sushi restaurant!

If the grapefruit does not look special to you, we beg you to take a closer look. Apart from the refreshing smell and taste, the fruit is also full of nutrition. It comes with lots of potassium, choline, fiber, lycopene, and vitamin C. That’s right, folks, eating grapefruit regularly will do wonders for your heart health. It is even a part of a nutrition formula called DASH diet, which was formulated to reduce blood pressure.
