Are you the type of person who feels intimidated by the furry kiwi shells? Don’t worry, we assure you that it is a lot better afterward. Did you know that this fruit is full of heart-healthy nutrition underneath all that? Kiwis are excellent sources of nutrients like vitamins B, E, and C. You will also find potassium, copper, polyphenols, and magnesium inside. Kiwis are the way to go if you want to improve your cardiovascular health, prevent blood clots, and protect your heart.

Would you agree that lentils are the best legumes out there? It is still up for debate, but we think it is worth considering because of the high levels of vitamins and minerals they have. On the list, we have fiber, potassium, folic acid, and magnesium. In fact, there is so much potassium in it that bananas don’t even compare. We recommend adding lentils to the dishes as they are even part of the DASH diet, which was created in the effort to help out people with heart health and blood pressure problems.
