We do not know how you feel about pomegranates, but we are big fans of this fruit! This makes for an amazing addition to your salad, shake, and smoothie. The superfood has an impressive combination of antioxidants, which is why it can prevent heart disease as well as plaque oxidation in the artery walls. Studies also show that it is good at preventing diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and prostate cancer. If you need to be convinced some more, know that it offers liver, teeth, skin, and joints benefits too! Cool.

Blueberries are sweet little treats no matter how you look at it. The superfood boasts of nutrients and antioxidants, so consume as much as you want any way you want it. Research reveals that three servings of these berries will prevent cholesterol buildup, plaque oxidation, and high blood pressure levels. The fruits have also been found to reduce risk of heart disease and eliminate different causes of cancer.
