These purple superstars have loads of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Among other things, it has betaine and B-vitamin folate, which makes it good for your cardiovascular health! Beets will not only make your salad tastier, crunchier and more colorful, but they can also prevent your risk for heart disease as they can lower the homocysteine levels found in your blood. Research also showed that it has the ability to improve body organs and prevent the contraction of different diseases. How cool is that?

Have you ever heard of salmon dubbed as the ‘chicken of the sea’? Well, the similarities are definitely there. This salad, sandwich, and sushi addition is full of nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids. These things deserve credit for the reduction of triglyceride levels, prevention of blood clot formations, prevention of cardiovascular problems, and loosening of blood vessels. It’s tasty and healthy – what could be better?
