According To Statistics, These Are The Fattest States In The U.S.

Published on 11/26/2020

New Hampshire – 31.8% Obesity Rate

It is pretty awful that almost two out of three adults and more than a quarter of kids in New Hampshire are either overweight or obese. On the bright side, the rate has not been going any higher than that in the last five years or so. The government clearly needs to do something about it and the local food industry and its citizens. Even though the obesity rate is rather high at 31.8 percent, only 9 percent of adults in the state have diabetes and other conditions typically linked to obesity.

New Hampshire 31.8% Obesity Rate

New Hampshire 31.8% Obesity Rate


New Jersey – 27.7% Obesity Rate

We are glad that New Jersey is doing better than other parts of the country. This is not to say that it is doing spectacular, however. The locals are still getting heavier. To address this, the state is trying to remedy the problem through programs. In 2020, it launched an initiative that aimed to improve the overall health of the locals. ‘Healthy New Jersey 2020’ hopes to reach many health-centered objectives and encourage a healthier lifestyle before the year comes to an end.

New Jersey Insufficient Data

New Jersey – 27.7% Obesity Rate