You Probably Did Not Know This About The Wonder Woman Costume Worn By Lynda Carter

Published on 03/21/2022

His Interest In Tying People Up

There was more to it than that, however. He was also interested in tying up other people. This is how this feature made it to the lore. In 1942, a talked to Family Circle about it: “Wonder Woman and her sister Amazons have to wear heavy bracelets to remind them of what happens to a girl when she lets a man conquer her.” Should she take off those bracelets, it is possible that she might go mad. It was different on the TV show where they were made of “feminum.” It is a metal mined in Paradise Island, where the Amazons came from. Who would have guessed that its backstory is so risqué?

His Interest In Tying People Up

His Interest In Tying People Up


It Was Hard To Design Swimwear For Her

Have you ever felt admiration for the outfits donned by the superhero? If so, you should thank Donald Lee Feld. Also known as Donfeld, he brought home an Emmy for his costume design work on an episode called “Anschluss ’77.” Despite this, he was unable to make a bikini that could stay on Lynda Carter.

It Was Hard To Design Swimwear For Her

It Was Hard To Design Swimwear For Her